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Writer's picture: Jill QuinnJill Quinn

Excerpt from 60 Seconds At A Time: Meditations + Musings on Transforming Your Well-being

What does it mean to be courageous? For me, courage means to stand unequivocally in your values, rooted in integrity in the face of adversity. Even if you’re scared, even when you don’t know how to show up, especially when it’s hard. We are all every day heroes facing life’s challenges. If you’re a survivor, a seeker, a chain breaker, a truth teller, an adventurer, a healer, a lover…whether you know it or not, you are a hero. Yup, you. That’s right. It takes courage to be here, to be present. You, my friend, are a bad ass who’s overcome…I see you. I know what it takes to have courage even, when there is no proof that it will all work out in the end.

I think we underestimate what we are truly capable of until we are stretched to our limits by life. Then and only then do we test what we are made of and level up beyond our wildest dreams. Courage is faith in action. Courage is warrior energy made manifest in the here and now when you need to move beyond fear.

How does courage apply to health behavior change? Let’s unpack it. Change is scary. Stepping into the unknown requires desire and belief to be put into action. That is courage. To be radically present with your Self, to face your past, embrace the present and create your future is not for the faint of heart. It can require us to take a deep, hard, and honest look at the influences of our programming, social, cultural, and familial conditioning. It can mean leaving those people who do not support the changes we are making for our own health and well-being behind. It means redefining, rewriting, and re-wilding our story. Oftentimes, it means letting go. Letting go of who you were, who you thought you were and all the expectations that went along with it. It also takes courage to implement the boundaries necessary to stay the course of your own transformation. It will bring up all the unhealed parts of yourself. It will challenge your relationships. It will challenge your perspective. Despite all of this, you will rise up to meet these challenges, because you’re courageous. Because your worth is non-negotiable. Because the cost of change is worth it.

It takes courage to be seen, vulnerable and open hearted. In this world, where conformity is praised, it is revolutionary to shine your light. This is what you were 3made for. To Shine Bright. Remembering this essential truth is an act of courage, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Shedding the weight of outworn patterns and thought forms and stepping into your light, your radiance, your unique and beautiful soul takes commitment. Rededicating yourself to your Self every day. Over and over again…



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